Ingredients : Nutritional Facts


Partner with NAKSHA NUTRITION POWER HOUSE to get access to our portfolio of products, customized solutions and supplementary diet aimed at reliably supporting your entire health life cycle, so that you can meet the ever-evolving and complex nutritional needs.

We offer an unrivalled portfolio of high-quality nutritional products, customized solutions, enabling innovation for better compliance, elevated care and improved quality of life for all ages , patients and the elderly the immune system resist infection, neutralizing infectious agents and foreign substances shapes healthier futures and safeguard against nutrient shortfalls with full potential of cognitive support and stronger immunity.


At Naksha Nutrition Power House , we know that creating brighter lives for undernourished people by our innovate affordable, aspirational, and accessible nutritional solutions, empowering our customers' products to change lives anywhere for all ages with 100% immunity boosters with the ingredients.

Naksha health nutrition mix and enjoy the rest of the day more energy and joy full day.


A precisely customized blend of functional ingredients sourced from more than 36 ingredients with sources of  vitamins, minerals, amino acids and botanicals – all in one single, efficient, homogenous Naksha Nutrition Power House delivered in powdered, dry resulting in significant efficiency gains for you.


A complete supplement in rendering, a deficiency in essential high protein’s, vitamins and minerals with its  full potential to  grow up.


A affordable supplementation to fill micronutrient gaps in the diets of specific groups of individuals at risk of, or affected by, malnutrition. Fortifying Naksha foods mix with vital micronutrients is an effective solution for addressing deficiencies and improving the micronutrient meet increased nutrient needs during pregnancy via their normal diet, multiple micronutrient supplementation should be considered to help to close the nutrient gap.


Millets the Nutri cereals are the rich source of fibre, gluten free, protein and carbohydrate storehouse. A nutritious health supplement in place of rice and wheat as staple food. The millets are gut friendly, and supports satiety, also has low glycaemic index. The transit time of millet foods in the gut is increased helping in re-absorption of nutrients and also maintain the hydration due to rich fiber content. The faeces get the bulk which aids in defaecation .Thus very much indicated in all  lifestyle diseases as diabetes ,obesity, hypertension,  cancer, inflammatory gut diseases.  

JOWAR (SORGHUM) : Richest source of fibre. Vitamin B1,B2,B3,B5 & B6 are also present.

Ragi (finger millet): Agluten free protein rich millet.Rich source of calcium Facilitates brain development.

Baajra (sajje) Pearl millet: a source of foliate, vitamin E &B complex, Mg, Zn, Fe, & phosphorus.

Udalu (Barnyard millet) Low in calories, high digestible, and a good source of iron and fiber. Stabilises cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, aids weight loss management.

Kodo (arka) Kodo millet: Has high protein and low fat, high fiber content. Contains high amount of lecithin which is excellent in strengthening the nervous system.

Saama (kutki) little millet: Rich in phytochemicals, potential antioxidant. Protects against hyperglycaemia, reduces hyper cholestraemia.

Barley (Hordeum vulgare) The most easily digestible food preferred by a therapist in almost all diseased condition. Gives 354 cal/100 gm.

Red rice (rakta shaali) Oryza longistaminata :Powerhouse of Zn, Ca, Fe. Helps strengthen the body and improves the blood quality.

Corn (Zea mays): Abundant source of starch. Also contains  fibre, protein, and fat. Gives 365cal/100 gm.

Quinoa Foxtail millet (navane):Rich in dietary fiber, protein, and vit B, copper, &iron. Most digestible and non allergic millet.

Bargu (Proso millet) Highest protein content. Good source of manganese and Calcium which helps bone growth, reduces cholesterol levels and reduces risk of heart diseases.

Korale (Brown top millet): Highest amount of maximum digestible fiber. Lowers incidence of cardiovascular diseases, duodenal ulcers, and hyper glycaemia.

Buckwheat (Kuttu): Rich in  amino acids, lysine, PUFA. Contains rutin a bio-flavanoid which controls hyper tension, & inflammation. Reduces risk of cancer.

Saabudaana (sago) Gives 332 cal/100 gm. Rich carbohydrate instant energy giver.


Pulses are the extensively used foods and are of wide variety.

Pulses provide protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals.

Pulses improve  serum lipid levels, and positively affect cardio vascular disease risk.

They are low in glycaemic index.

Therefore are recommended in almost all lifestyle disease diet.

Raajma (lobia) is the richest plant based protein having low glycaemic index.

Bengal gram (black chana) Gives 78 cal /100 gm. Incredible source of Fe, Mn, P, and Cu .Prevents anaemia, boosts immunity, regulates blood sugar levels and enhances hair skin nail growth.

Green gram Gives 347cal/100gm. Dietary fiber is 16% and protein 24 g, carbohydrate 63%.Vit c 8%, Fe 37% and VitB 620%, Mg 47% are also present. Hence a good starter meal.

Peas (bataani)  Pisum  sativum : Rich in calcium, potassium, and protein, vit  b6. Lowers the risk of chronic conditions as diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis. Helps to loose weight and is low glycaemic index food.

Alasande (cow peas): a good source of Fe, fiber. Supports healthy bowel movements.

Soya the best protein to replace animal based milk protein. It is rich in protein, fiber, low in saturated fat, high in phyto-oestrogens. Best food in lactose intolerance patients.

Mataka (moth beans):Has high antioxidant property. Reduces frequent infections. Rich source Magnesium and Potassium helps reduce risk of hypertension.

Horse gram (huruli) : Rich in Fe, Ca, content. Sprouting increases availability of the minerals. Balances blood pressure levels.

Nuts and Seeds

A good source of Omega -3 fatty acid which supplies Vit E for all the vitals to function smoothly, and  help growth of skin, hair and nails.

A natural source of lubrication.

Groundnut (kadlekaayi  beeja): Arachis  hypogea: Total fat is 49g/100gm,and  fiber  9g,Fe25 and Mg42g/100 gm. The nut has low  glycaemic index and controls blood sugar levels.

Walnut (Juglans regia) : Super plant source of omega -3 fatty acid. Promotes healthy gut, reduces risk of gut inflammation. Supports weight management.

Pista: Gives 562 cal/100 gm. High nutrient, low cal, high protein. Promotes healthy gut, heart, and help lower blood sugar levels.

Watermelon seeds: Rich in Vit.E AS Omega -3 fatty acid. Low calorie  as 23cal/4gm seeds. Incredible source of Mg in less qty, as a handful of the seeds.21mg/4gseeds.

Flax seeds (linseed): Good source of Omega -3 fatty acid. Has 28gmfiber and 41 gm fat /100gm .Gives 450 cal/100gm.

Roasted gram (hurikadale) : Gives 164cal/100gm,fiber 12.5g,Vit B6 rich, selenium, potassium, manganese, and Vit B1 are present. Improves immunity, reduces cholesterol, and improves heart health.

Almonds(Prunus amygdalus) : Is a source of Vit E. It is a laxative. Regulates sleep, promotes muscle relaxing, promotes weight loss, help lower blood sugar levels.

Sunflower seeds: Rich in Vit E as  MUFA and B6.Help build muscle mass. Lowers  raised LDL and triglycerides.

Pumpkin seeds : Gives 446 cal /100 gm seeds. Contains Fe, Mg, and Vit K  which enhances wound healing.

Flavouring Spices

A good  palatability  marks the rank of the food product.

Healthy spices gives the product a good taste in minute quantity.

Piper nigrum (pepper): A  spicy hot flavour. Has anti inflammatory and analgesic action.

Cardamomum elettaria (cardamomum): A good flavouring agent. A good source of Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese, Copper. Helps control the vitals of the body.

Cumin (jeera): Adds taste ,aids digestion. A source of Fe, Ca, Mg, K. Has analgesic action smoothens the bowel.

Fenugreek (Methi): A good source of dietary fibre, protein, and calcium apart from being a blood sugar managing ingredient.

Millets Health Mix

  • No Added Sugars

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